We have the market's most extensive feature set, covering 99.9% of all business types, from accepting direct transfers to mass collections from addresses to reduce fees.
The Most Current Exchange Rates from Fiat to Cryptocurrency
Unlimited Invoice Lifespan
Full Page Customization Support. Set Your Logo and Brand Colors.
Order system
Unique Address Rotation System for Each Merchant. Customer Payments are Collected on a Minimal Number of Addresses, Reducing Blockchain Fees by Tenfold.
Order Lifetime of up to 24 Hours.
Support for Multi-Transaction Payments with Display of Paid Amount.
Status System Supporting Partial Payments, Overpayments, and More.
NewRelease July 2023
Static addresses
Assign Personal Addresses for Each Coin to Clients, Allowing Clients to Repeatedly Pay to the Same Address.
Error-Free Fund Accounting. Clear Display of Balance for Each Client.
No Limit on the Number of Addresses Attached to a Single Client.
Multilingual Pages
Payment pages are adapted to the individual language needs of each client.
Support for displaying 16+ languages.
Ability to add a language for your business needs.
Protect your funds from volatility by automatically converting them into stable coins.
Forget about managing multiple coins. Receive only preferred coins to your addresses.
Fee Payer Selection
Choose who will pay the transaction fees, you or the client.
Receive exact amounts to your addresses without losing fees from the transaction amount.
Ability to receive payments from clients without any stopper in the form of additional fee payments.
Funds Management
Advance Balance
Operate with precise amounts. Pay service and blockchain fees from a separate balance, not from the transaction amount.
Forget about storing currency for gas payment in tokens.
Segregated Payment Storage
Store funds from clients separately based on the payment method. No mixing of funds for payments through orders, subscriptions, and direct transfers.
Withdrawal of Funds
Address Book
Add and save addresses for future fund transfers.
Assign unique names for convenient management of saved addresses.
Forget about the problem of errors in addresses or meticulous double-checking of each symbol before making a transaction.
Fiat Withdrawals
Receive fiat payouts to your bank account through SEPA.
One of the fastest payouts in the market.
Automatic Withdrawals
Forget about the need for manual work. Set the date, amount, and withdrawal currency.
Unlimited number of withdrawals, both in terms of amount and number of recipients.
No minimum withdrawal amount. Limitations are only subject to the blockchain.
Real Blockchain Addresses
No synthetic addresses; all transactions are transparent and traceable.
All fund movements can be tracked through blockchain scanning.
Two-Factor Authentication
Protect your funds with verification at each stage.
Withdrawals are only possible with 2FA confirmation immediately before withdrawal.
Integration and Testing
Unlimited retries for webhooks.
Available for sending with orders and invoices.
Storage of webhook sending history for all time.
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